Benefits of using Music for early childhood development

by OurYoungWonders

Early childhood development is something that is talked about a lot. Finding ways to help young children develop physically, mentally and socially is important. These skills when developed from an early age can help them to grow and adapt for their future. There are a number of different ways to help the development. One of which is though music. Music has proven to be a very beneficial way to help develop different skills from a young age. Not to mention it is a lot of fun for them. Check out below a few of the benefits of using music for early childhood development.

Assists coordination

One of the benefits of music is that it can help your child to learn and develop their coordination skills. It helps to them to learn to hold different instruments in their hands and that different movements will produce different sounds.

Things such as drums or the triangle help with the hand eye coordination and learning how to use one instrument to tap another to make the noises.

Helps with memory

Because of the repetitive natural of music, it can help your child develop their memory. By learning different songs or sets of music, they can then remember it and try it again the next time. Repetitive sets of music or sounds will trigger in them once they pick up the instrument and their memory will help them to begin it again.

Helps with language skills

The left side of the brain develops a lot better though music. By listening to songs, learning the words and starting to sing them, it can increase and develop your children’s language skills. It can help with pronunciation, learning new words and putting sentences together.

They will then be able to take these language skills and put them to use in all other aspects of their lives.

Assists emotional development

Music therapy is used quite often for children that are suffering with anxiety, self esteem or confidence concerns. Music is a way that they can express their feelings and emotions without needing to put it into words. Children are still developing in all aspects of their lives, so trying to explain how they are feeling and what is making them feel like that can be difficult. By adding in music or an instrument, they may be able to express these emotions, reduce stress and feel more content.

Develop patience and understanding

Music is also a great way to help develop patience and understanding. Music is more than just listening to a song or clanging an instrument. The patience comes when they need to know when it is their turn to take part. It can also teach them to understand different notes, sounds and what can produce music.

Builds imagination and curiosity

One of the most amazing things about children is their level of imagination and curiosity.  A child can come up with a complex story in their minds and roll with it. Their imaginations should be nurtured and encouraged. Music can help with this. Music provides them with another resource that they can use within their imagination.

Curiosity is a young child’s best friend (and sometimes a parents worse nightmare.) Curiosity is natural for children and they want to explore and learn new things. Providing them with instruments or objects that can make noise will give them an outlet to safely be curious.

Let them use their imagination and curiosity to create little musical masterpieces.

On top of all of these, it is also a fun and exciting experience for children. Young children should be able to play and enjoy themselves, it’s the most effective way for them to absorb and retain information. So finding a way that they can do both that and develop their young little minds is a bonus.

Why not get involved with them? Music can be fun for the whole family to get involved in. Get yourself some fun songs, instruments or objects that will make some fun noises (pots and pans are always a winner.)

Let them be themselves and develop those skills.

Don’t forget to take lots of photos of them smiling, having fun and creating the next number one hit!

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